Coronavirus se está rompiendo el mundo entero. La velocidad a la que se está extendiendo y afectando a la industria de los viajes y la hostelería es realmente preocupante..
Cuando parece que la enfermedad COVID-19 es más mortal que la influenza estacional, es obvio que sus invitados tienen miedo de viajar o consideran segura cualquier otra opción de alojamiento.
Pero, como hotel, puedes adoptar algunas medidas preventivas, y asegura una estancia segura para tus invitados.
Bien, hemos cubierto el qué, por qué y cómo del COVID-19 y qué medidas preventivas deben tomar los hoteles para asegurar una estancia segura a sus huéspedes.
que es el coronavirus?
Los coronavirus son una gran familia de virus, algunos causan enfermedades en las personas y otros circulan entre los animales, incluyendo camellos, cats and bats
los 2019 nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) es un nuevo virus que causa enfermedades respiratorias en las personas y puede propagarse de persona a persona. Este virus se identificó por primera vez durante una investigación sobre un brote en Wuhan., China.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha creado una página dedicada que tiene información completa sobre COVID-19. You can explore more of this outbreak from aquí.
como se propaga?
Los coronavirus en humanos se propagan como la gripe o un resfriado (from person to person). Someone who is actively sick with COVID-19 can spread the illness to others.
- Through the air by coughing or sneezing
- Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
- Touching an object or surface with the virus on it
- Occasionally, faecal contamination
What are its symptoms?
The basic symptoms of the COVID-19 can include:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Runny nose
The symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure. Reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying.
How to keep your hotel safe from Coronavirus?
As a hotel, you should act immediately and start introducing preventive measures. Following are mandatory actions that you should immediately bring into practice:
1. Keep your staff aware of the disease
Though 99% of your staff must be fairly familiar with the outbreak to some extent. We would still recommend you to arrange a meeting and make them aware of it to all corners.
Educate them about the preventive measures that they should take on your hotel premises. también, brief them about the guidelines provided by the local health authorities.
2. Check whether any of your staff or guests have been infected
Have the infrared thermometers at your frontdesk to conduct temperature checks on all guests. Your staff can request all your newly arrived guests to measure their body temperature via a thermal scanner placed near the entrance.
If you find any guests who are unwell with any symptoms of fever, flu or respiratory problems, ask them to consult a doctor immediately. Ask the sick suspicious guests to get their check-up done at the nearest clinic, checking in to the hotel. Take extra care while catering to international guests.
3. Ensure cleanliness in every corner of your hotel
The COVID-19 virus spreads through the surface as well. So make sure every corner of your hotel is cleaned.
Especially the surfaces or areas which are used frequently by your guests and staff members such as, the doors, the reception area, the front desk, lift or elevator buttons and so on. You can also apply plastic insulating films on the lift and elevator buttons, and change it every day to avoid germs spreading.
Above all, if you have an in-house restaurant, ensure the cleanliness of your kitchen. Ask your chefs to wear surgical masks and wash their hands frequently.
All buffet or semi-buffet food should be served in smaller portions. It should be replaced or replenished every 30 minutes to avoid contamination. The crockery and utensils used at the buffet counters, including tongs, spoons and under liner should be changed and sanitized.
Besides, ensure that tableware including salt & pepper shakers, toothpick holders, sugar container, tent cardholders, menus and bill folders are being cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis.
In addition to this, the main entrance and carpets at the hotel’s lobby are sprayed with qualified disinfectant every hour.
4. Use sanitizers and masks
Provide your staff members with surgical masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol) y gloves to wear. Ask them to always wear masks and use sanitizer frequently.
If it is feasible, try to install the alcohol-based disinfectant hand rub dispensers at your front desk, reception area, in-house restaurant, cafe, meeting rooms or hotel lobbies. If you can’t, then at least keep big bottles of sanitizers at all these places.
Keep sanitizers and surgical masks in each hotel room. Encourage your hotel staff as well as your guests to use sanitizers frequently.
Keep helpful signs of washing hands and using sanitizers in common areas of your hotel.
5. Avoid handshakes. Do ‘Mingalabar’
Bien, the handshake is a great way of transferring different microbes like viruses and bacteria from one person to another. So for the time being, ask your staff members to avoid shaking their hands with guests. también, they should avoid frequent physical contact internally.
Even the health experts warn that shaking hands is a prime way to spread the coronavirus. You should adopt some different methods of greeting people, like elbow bumps or Mingalabar.

6. Maintain records
You should maintain accurate guest records. This includes maintaining guest registration records (name, ID Proofs, and other details), data of electronic locks, and security camera tapes. This is especially important if someone in your hotel has been diagnosed with the virus.
These records should be kept for a minimum of 90 dias.
7. Check where your supply is coming from
Keep a tab on your suppliers and other outsourcing agencies.
Ensure megastores from where you are getting inventory for your in-house restaurant is safe from COVID-19. None of your food or beverage should be sourced from Hubei province or Wuhan city, where the Novel Coronavirus originated from.
Besides, check whether the laundry services agencies are taking some preventive measures.
Asi que, this was all about how you can keep your hotel safe from corona virus.
And most importantly, when you are taking all these measures, keep your guests posted about the same. Highlight these measures being taken at your hotel in real-time on your website and social media pages. Asi que, your guests can know that their stay at your hotel is going to be safe and pleasant.
You have to take these measures sincerely, to be safe from this outbreak. Along with, as a hotel owner/manager consider these preventive measures for yourself too and be safe.