“Maha Walu Ka” Sand Stupa Annual Festival held on two days ahead of “Kasone” full moon day also known as “Vesak”Day. ” Maha Walu Ka” sand stupa pagoda is also known as “Mont Te Su Sand Stupa Pagoda” because of situated in “Mont Te Su Quarter”, 85th street between 37th and 38th.
The exact date of Vesak is based on the Asian lunisolar calendars and is primarily celebrated in Vaisakha month of the Buddhist calendar and the Hindu calendar, and hence the name Vesak. In Nepal, which is considered the birth-country of Buddha, it is celebrated on the full moon day of the Vaisakha month of the Hindu calendar, and is traditionally called Buddha Purnima, Purnima meaning the full moon day in Sanskrit.
In Theravada countries following the Buddhist calendar, it falls on a full moon Uposatha day, typically in the 5th or 6th lunar month. The date varies from year to year in the Western Gregorian calendar, but usually falls in April or May. In leap years it may be celebrated in June.
Mandalay is famous and strange of celebrating “Sand Stupa Pagoda” among the other towns in Myanmar because six sand stupa pagodas are situated in quarters along the bank of “Shwe Ta Chaung Canal” that flows Maddaya to Mandalay city. “Maha Walu Ka”, “Mont Te Su” sand stupa pagoda always renew two days ahead of “Kason” fullmoon day every year. First day, people have to finish sand stupa pagoda within one day .
Second day is preparation time for donation to monks and Buddha. Fullmoon day is pagoda festival day and make donations. Sand Stupa Pagodas have to build within one day and that last for the whole year that should not miss out to visit and see there.